The report presents our 2020 statistics, highlights from our year, and feature four stories that illustrate current human rights issues in Canada.
Working Document for CHRC staff – Updated as of January 2021
While some employers have been able to adapt their operations to create a work-from-home environment for the longer-term, other employers have already or will be obligated to restore operations to a pre-pandemic state. In either case, balancing the mental health needs of employees and the operational needs of employers raises some important challenges. This guide is intended to provide practical knowledge and suggestions for employers and employees who are looking for guidance on how to approach mental health in the workplace in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.
The Departmental Results Report provides an account of the Commission’s achieved results against planned performance expectations as set out in the Report on Plans and Priorities. Complete a survey on your experience using this Departmental Results Report
The purpose of this guide is to help those who want to prevent or protect themselves from discrimination through the rights established under the Canadian Human Rights Act. It provides the definitions of discrimination and harassment and describes how to file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.