Your plan is a requirement
All federally regulated organizations must comply with nine requirements under the Employment Equity Act. One of those requirements is to create an employment equity plan. It is the employer's responsibility to develop and implement an employment equity program, in consultation and collaboration with employee representatives.
Federally regulated employers are required to analyze their workforce and review their employment systems in order to develop an employment equity plan. The employment equity plan is to be based on the employment barriers for designated groups and organized by employment equity occupational groups as identified in the employment systems review. It is to include measures to address the barriers. Where under-representation exists for designated groups, employers are required to implement an employment equity plan that will lead to progress in increasing representation. It is the employer's responsibility to monitor the implementation of the plan and the resulting employment equity progress achieved.
Employers must also review their plans regularly and make revisions to ensure progress.
What to include in your employment equity plan
Follow these steps to create your employment equity plan.
- collecting your workforce info
- conducting a workforce analysis
- conducting an employment systems review (ESR)
- communicating and consulting on employment equity
- creating your employment equity plan
- implementing and monitoring your employment equity plan
- reviewing and revising your employment equity plan
- maintaining employment equity records