Publications On this page you will find the Commission’s publications, including Annual Reports, advice the Commission has provided for policy makers like parliamentarians, government agencies, and United Nations bodies, as well as research conducted by or for the Commission. You will also find guides and tools developed by the Commission to help everyone understand human rights obligations and good practices within workplaces.

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Guidance on Transportation Requirements under the Accessible Canada Regulations

This guidance explains the requirements for all organizations subject to the Accessible Canada Regulations and provides you with suggestions of transportation barriers to consider when preparing your Accessibility Plans.

Publication details

  • Accessibility
  • 28/03/2024
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Guidance on shared planning and reporting documents

In some situations, organizations may be able to work together to meet the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and the Accessible Canada Regulations (Regulations) regarding: accessibility plans, descriptions of feedback processes and progress reports

Publication details

  • Accessibility
  • 28/03/2024
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Simple, clear and concise language

The Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations require federally regulated organizations to prepare and publish: accessibility plans, feedback process descriptions, and progress reports. Organizations must write these documents in simple, clear and concise language.

Publication details

  • Bulletins
  • Accessibility
  • 16/05/2023
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Where to publish: accessibility plans, feedback process descriptions and progress reports

Organizations must publish their accessibility plans, feedback process descriptions and progress reports on the main digital platform they use to communicate with the public. For most organizations, this means posting these documents on their website. These documents must be accessible on the home screen or homepage of an organization's digital platform, or through a hyperlink on the home screen or homepage.

Publication details

  • Bulletins
  • Accessibility
  • 16/05/2023
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ACA Notification requirements for organizations that are subject to two regulations

Yes, organizations that are subject to more than one ACA regulation can choose to publish one accessibility plan that meets all the regulatory requirements and that meets all ACA requirements.

Publication details

  • Bulletins
  • Accessibility
  • 16/05/2023
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What we did and what we learned: Monitoring Disability Rights

This report provides a plain language summary of what people shared during the public engagement process. This report has been translated and tested by People First of Canada’s plain language team. Self advocates from across the country provided their input, expertise, and experience to help make this report more accessible through plain language. It includes Sign language videos and closed captioning. It can also be read with a screen reader.

Publication details

  • Reports
  • Accessibility
  • 23/05/2023

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