Publications On this page you will find the Commission’s publications, including Annual Reports, advice the Commission has provided for policy makers like parliamentarians, government agencies, and United Nations bodies, as well as research conducted by or for the Commission. You will also find guides and tools developed by the Commission to help everyone understand human rights obligations and good practices within workplaces.

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Environmental sensitivities and scent-free policies

A guide for federally regulated employers and service providers on environmental sensitivities and what they need to know.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 17/05/2024
  • ISBN:
  • Cat. #:
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Developing a Workplace Accommodation Policy - A Template for Federally Regulated Employers

This template is for federally regulated employers looking to create their own workplace accommodation policy. A good accommodation policy is key to building an inclusive workplace that respects the unique needs, perspectives and potential of all their team members.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 10/05/2024
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Workplace accommodation - A guide for federally regulated employers

This practical guide is for all federally regulated employers, managers, and supervisors who want to learn more about how to accommodate a member of their team. It covers a wide range of accommodation issues with a single step-by-step process.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 10/05/2024
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Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence

Guide for federally regulated employers to help them develop a human rights-based approach to preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence, and to meet their obligations under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canada Labour Code.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 05/04/2024

Human rights-based approach to workplace investigations

Guidance and good practices to help federally regulated employers learn more about what is required to conduct workplace investigations in a way that respects people’s human rights and promotes a healthy and inclusive workplace.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 05/04/2024
  • ISBN:
  • Cat. #:
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Policy template - Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence

Template designed to help federally regulated employers develop a policy for preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 05/04/2024
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Levelling the field : developing a special program under the Canadian Human Rights Act or the Employment Equity Act

This guide sets out best practices for developing special programs under the Canadian Human Rights Act and special measures under the Employment Equity Act. It is intended for federally regulated employers and service providers.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 06/01/2022
  • ISBN:
  • Cat. #:

COVID-19 and Mental health in the workplace - A practical guide for employers and employees

While some employers have been able to adapt their operations to create a work-from-home environment for the longer-term, other employers have already or will be obligated to restore operations to a pre-pandemic state. In either case, balancing the mental health needs of employees and the operational needs of employers raises some important challenges. This guide is intended to provide practical knowledge and suggestions for employers and employees who are looking for guidance on how to approach mental health in the workplace in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Workplace
  • 01/12/2020
  • ISBN:
  • Cat. #:

Discrimination – What can I do about it?

The purpose of this guide is to help those who want to prevent or protect themselves from discrimination through the rights established under the Canadian Human Rights Act. It provides the definitions of discrimination and harassment and describes how to file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Human Rights
  • 01/06/2020
  • ISBN:

Horizontal audit on Indigenous employment in the banking and financial sector

This first sector-wide employment equity report uses findings based on the Commission’s new horizontal audit model. While there has been some progress in increasing the representation of designated group members across the sector, there has been little to no progress in the representation of Indigenous people. This audit looked at compliance with the Employment Equity Act, identified employment barriers faced by Indigenous people within the banking and financial sector, and gathered best practices to share with employers in the sector to assist them in the recruitment and retention of Indigenous people in their workforces.

Publication details

  • Tools
  • Employment Equity
  • 01/06/2020
  • ISBN:
  • Cat. #:

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