About our public engagement process
We need to know that the Convention exists. The general population needs to be more familiar with it.
In 2020, the Commission, in its role as the NMM, undertook a public engagement process with people with disabilities across Canada, with organizations that advocate on their behalf, and with families and caregivers of people with disabilities. The process included an online survey and small online dialogue sessions. This allowed us to hear about the experiences of people with disabilities in Canada. We learned about the barriers and discrimination they face. We also learned what can be done to reduce and remove those barriers.
People also gave us their views on what the monitoring process should look like, who should be involved, what information should be collected, how that information should be shared and what supports they might need to take part in the Commission's monitoring work.
Almost 3,000 people took part in this engagement process, and a majority identified as having a disability.
We know that not everybody was able to take part in this process. But we will continue to engage with as many people as we can. Diverse ideas and views will make the monitoring process better.
The information below summarizes what people shared during the public engagement process. This information is very important. It guides how the Commission does its work and makes plans. It helps us know what to monitor and how. If you would like to learn more about what we heard, please click on your preferred format below.
Quick facts
- People shared that their top three issues or areas of concern are:
- poverty
- housing
- work and employment
- 66% of participants in the online survey said that they were interested in being involved in our monitoring work, but people also said that they need more information and support to be able to do so
- 86% of participants in the online survey felt Canada was doing a poor job promoting the rights of people with disabilities and 83% felt Canada was doing a poor job protecting the rights of people with disabilities
- 54% of participants in the online survey thought the Convention would have a positive effect on the lives of people with disabilities
- people said they want to learn more about what the Convention means for people with disabilities, as well as how it affects their daily lives
- people said that they want different kinds of disabilities and experiences represented in the monitoring work
- people shared that staying informed and up to date on the monitoring process is the top role they could see themselves playing
- people felt that advocacy groups have an important role to play in monitoring, but that it is also important to listen to individual voices
- people said that the most useful and impactful output of information would be to share stories of people with disabilities
- people shared that they would like to see information presented in a variety of ways, and that all communications should be fully accessible to everyone
Executive summary: Easy read
This report provides an easy read summary of the findings from our engagement process in 2020. It is a short version of the important points that we heard from people. This report has been translated and tested by People First of Canada's plain language team. Self-advocates from across the country provided their input, expertise, and experience to help make this report more accessible through plain language. It includes graphics as well as text. It can also be read with a screen reader.
Full Report: Plain Language and ASL
This report provides a plain language summary of what people shared during our engagement process in 2020. This report has been translated and tested by People First of Canada's plain language team. Self-advocates from across the country provided their input, expertise, and experience to help make this report more accessible through plain language. The report is available in PDF format and in HTML format with Sign language videos and closed captioning. It can also be read with a screen reader.
Infographics: With image description
These infographics provide a visual overview of some of the key findings from the online survey. The infographics come with an image description.