Denying the rights of one group of people puts everyone’s rights at risk


The Canadian Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned by Quebec’s announcement this week that it will seek to ban religious symbols for all provincial public servants in roles such as, police officers, judges, teachers and senior officials.

Canada’s social and economic recovery efforts must take a feminist approach


“The COVID-19 crisis is having a disproportionate impact on women. There is a serious risk that the pandemic could erase the gains that have been made towards gender equality in Canada.

Combatting Racism in Canada


Speaking Notes of Marie-Claude Landry, Ad. E., Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission

Improved access to fertility services for military members

Settlement statements

The Canadian Armed Forces (“CAF”) and the Canadian Human Rights Commission (“CHRC”) are pleased to announce that changes have been made to the CAF’s Spectrum of Care policy (“policy”) to expand eligibility for coverage of expenses related to fertility services.

COVID-19 Statement


These are exceptional times. While the COVID-19 outbreak is creating challenges for everyone in our society, it is particularly difficult for those living in vulnerable circumstances.

Walking the Talk


The events of recent weeks have shone a powerful light on the need for all Canadians to reflect on how white privilege, deeply embedded systemic racism, and unchecked racial biases continue to exist in Canada, and contribute to injustice and inequality.

Release low-risk inmates to slow spread of COVID-19 in prisons


The Canadian Human Rights Commission supports the Minister of Public Safety’s call to Correctional Services Canada and the Parole Board of Canada to consider the early release of low-risk federal inmates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It's time to celebrate and support Indigenous peoples in Canada


Each year, we come together on National Indigenous Peoples Day to honour the heritage, cultures, experiences and achievements of Indigenous peoples throughout Canada.

Anti-Black racism in Canada: time to face the truth


It is time for all Canadians to acknowledge that anti-Black racism is pervasive in Canada. In fact, the belief that there is little to no racism in Canada is in itself a barrier to addressing it.

Inequality amplified by COVID-19 crisis

News Releases

Governments across Canada are now moving with exceptional speed to slow the spread of COVID-19. The unprecedented measures being put in place to protect our health, safety and security go beyond what most of us could have ever imagined.

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