Start your submission

Resuming a submission

If you have already started a submission and saved your progress, you will be given the option to continue the draft when you start the form.

Completing your submission

  • Begin answering the questions, and use the navigation buttons (Next, Previous) to move forward or backward through the form.
  • Use the help button (?) if you are unsure of how to answer a question.
  • Most questions require a response in the form, but there is always the option to click *prefer not to answer*, should you wish to not answer a question.
  • Many sections in the form will invite you to provide additional information in the *please explain* boxes that you consider important. Providing any information is voluntary.
  • The session will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity, and all entered information will be saved.
  • You can use the Save option to save your information and come back to complete the questionnaire at a later time.
  • Use the Submit button at the end of the questionnaire to submit the completed questionnaire to the Office of the Federal Housing Advocate.
  • Make note of your confirmation number and you will be sent a confirmation email.

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