Discrimination complaint process

Notice about timelines Currently, due to a high volume of complaints and limited resources, the Commission cannot guarantee processing times. We continue to triage and prioritize cases where the alleged discrimination is ongoing or severe. All cases are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The details of your complaint may result in faster or slower processing times.

How it works

Anyone in Canada has the right to file a discrimination complaint under the Canadian Human Rights Act if they believe they have been discriminated against by the federal government or a federally regulated organization.

One of the roles of the Canadian Human Rights Commission is to screen human rights complaints from people across Canada. This means that the Commission looks at discrimination complaints and assesses whether these complaints need to go the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

The Tribunal is separate and independent from the Commission. Only the Tribunal can decide if discrimination has happened.

Not every human rights complaint goes through the Commission's complaint process in the same way. A complaint may go through one or several steps, depending on the situation. The order of the steps can vary because every complaint is unique.

The time it takes the Commission to process your complaint varies depending on several factors, including the nature of the allegations and the volume of other complaints at that time.

Overall, our complaint process follows six main steps.

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Step 1: You file a complaint

A person, or group of people, can file a human rights complaint by sending us a completed complaint form online, by email, by fax or by mail. (There is no walk-in service available to file your complaint in person.)

Processing times for Step 1

When using the Online Complaint Form, you will receive a confirmation email when you submit your complaint. For complaints submitted by email, fax, or mail, a confirmation email or letter will be sent to you within 5 business days of receiving your complaint form. Note: Delays may occur if we are receiving a high volume of complaints.

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