Supports and services - Monitoring the right to housing for people with disabilities

Supports and services

Do people with disabilities have the supports they need to live independently? Do they have equal access to basic services in their homes?

Supports include things like help with bathing, cooking, cleaning and getting to appointments. Basic services include things like safe drinking water and internet access.

  • Goal: People with disabilities have access to the supports they need to live independently. They have equal access to basic services in their homes.
  • International law sources:

Outcome indicators

  1. Percentage of people with disabilities who have the supports they need to live independently
    • Description: This looks at people who have the supports they need for their daily activities. For example, this can include help to bathe, clean, cook, or shop.
    • Many people with disabilities don’t get the help they need at home. In 2017, of all people with disabilities who said they needed help, 24% didn’t receive enough help. 13% didn’t receive any help. In 2022, of all people with disabilities who said they needed help, 22% didn’t receive enough help. 16% didn’t receive any help.
      • Results: Canadian Survey on Disability (2017 and 2022): Housebound
  2. Percentage of people with disabilities who don't have safe drinking water at home
    • Description: This looks at people who didn’t have safe drinking water at home for more than a week. Drinking water is safe if it doesn't pose a significant health risk.
    • Results: People with disabilities are less likely to have safe drinking water at home than people without disabilities. In 2021, 4% of people with disabilities had unsafe drinking water. This is compared to 2% of people without disabilities.
      • Data source: Canadian Housing Survey (2021): Dwelling Issues
  3. Percentage of people with disabilities who have poor air quality at home
    • Description: This looks at people who have poor air quality in their homes because of odours from their neighbours or from outside.
    • Results: People with disabilities are more likely to have poor air quality at home than people without disabilities. In 2021, 12% of people with disabilities had poor air quality. This is compared to 7% of people without disabilities.
      • Data source: Canadian Housing Survey (2021): Dwelling Issues
  4. Percentage of people with disabilities that are satisfied with their heating and cooling systems that work
    • Description: This looks at people who are satisfied with their heating and cooling systems that work.
    • Results: People with disabilities are less satisfied with their heating and cooling systems than people without disabilities. In 2021, 31% of people with disabilities couldn’t keep a comfortable heating level in their homes. This is compared to 21% of people without disabilities. 35% of people with disabilities couldn’t keep a comfortable cooling level in their homes. This is compared to 24% of people without disabilities.
      • Data source: Canadian Housing Survey (2021): Dwelling Satisfaction
  5. Percentage of people with disabilities who don't have reliable internet access at home
    • Description: This looks at people who don’t have reliable internet access at home.
    • Results: Some people with disabilities don’t have reliable internet access at home. In 2017, 2% of people with disabilities didn’t have reliable internet access. In 2022, this number tripled to 6%.
      • Data source: Canadian Survey on Disability (2017 and 2022): Internet Use

Policy effort and resource indicators

In development

Go to the Indicators and results of the Main page: Monitoring framework

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