2020-21 Operating Context

This section describes the operating context in which the Commission will operate in 2020-21. It identifies both external and internal influences and factors that may affect our core responsibilities.

  • As the general awareness of human rights issues grows and as many human rights issues continue to evolve over time, many of the complaints being brought to the Commission continue to be more complex in nature.
  • This coming year brings expanded responsibilities and program delivery for the Commission. These new responsibilities are in relation to the Accessible Canada Act, the Pay Equity Act and the National Housing Strategy Act. Our work under these new mandates has already started and it will continue to impact our activities this coming year on multiple fronts — from human resources, procurement, and accommodation, to information technology, information management, communications and legal and financial management services.
  • Since 2017, the Commission’s caseload has been increasing and we anticipate it will continue to do so given the growing awareness of human rights issues and the Commission’s work to provide a simpler, more effective and sustainable complaints process that is driven by the needs of the people we serve.
  • Building on the success of a horizontal employment equity audit on Indigenous employment in the banking and financial sector, the Commission is continuing with that approach and will revise its conventional audit approach.
  • Some complex and pressing human rights issues such as hate and intolerance, economic and social rights, and human rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada are in need of action at every level of government.
  • Disability-related complaints continues to be a big part of the Commission’s work. This is especially true with all the awareness work done around mental health and with the introduction of the Accessible Canada Act.
  • The Commission is also seeing an increase of complaints related to national or ethnic origin, race and colour.

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