Celebrate, learn, and build a better future

June 21, 2023 – Ottawa, Canada – Canadian Human Rights Commission

To celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day and Indigenous History Month, Charlotte-Anne Malischewski, Interim Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, issues the following statement:

On National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we come together to celebrate First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures, traditions, languages and achievements.

We are so much richer and more connected when we embrace Indigenous perspectives. Their creativity, innovation, wisdom and knowledge inspires and influences the way we see and understand the world around us.

As we walk forward together in the spirit of reconciliation, we must challenge ourselves to think about the role we each can play to advance trust, respect, and understanding amongst each other.

This is a day to re-commit ourselves to a journey of self-education, appreciation and reconciliation as we recognize the countless achievements and contributions that Indigenous Peoples have made to their communities, to our society.

We all have a collective responsibility to listen and learn about our country’s shameful past. We must work together to ensure a hopeful future by dismantling the deeply rooted colonial legacy and the many manifestations of systemic anti-Indigenous racism in our country.

We must put Indigenous human rights, including the right to self-determination, languages, cultures, and traditions and laws, at the forefront as we build a more inclusive Canada for all. And, we must ensure that Indigenous Peoples and cultures are recognized, valued, respected and celebrated.

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