Role of bargaining agents

Bargaining agents can play a key role in representing employees on the pay equity committee and providing training in areas that are relevant to pay equity.

Bargaining Agents and the pay equity process

Bargaining agents play an important role in the pay equity process. Bargaining agents who represent employees in a federal workplace covered by the Pay Equity Act may have a seat on the pay equity committee. They work alongside the employer to create a pay equity plan and identify any differences in compensation between jobs that are commonly held by women and those commonly held by men.

Bargaining agents:

  • select a representative to sit on the workplace's pay equity committee
  • contribute to the development of pay equity plans as part of the pay equity committee work
  • provide all the relevant information they have (such as job information) to help the committee complete the pay equity plan
  • monitor the activities of the committee during the entire pay equity process
  • provide input and direction to their representative on the issues brought up at the committee

Pay Equity Plans and collective bargaining

The pay equity process in federally regulated workplaces is entirely separate from collective bargaining. However, because pay equity deals with employee compensation, it could affect collective agreements.

Once a pay equity plan is fully established, any pay equity increase must be incorporated into, and form part of, the collective agreements.

Filing a pay equity complaint as a bargaining agent

As a bargaining agent, you can file a complaint under the Pay Equity Act in certain situations. For example, if you have reasonable grounds to believe that the employer of the employees you represent has attempted to influence or interfere with the selection of non-unionized employee representatives on the pay equity committee, you may file a complaint. You may also file a complaint if you believe that the employer has acted in bad faith or in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner that has affected the employees you represent or is likely to affect them. Complaints must be filed within 60 days of becoming aware of the alleged contravention or behaviour.

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