Pay equity dates and deadlines

All federally regulated employers in Canada are required to comply with the same four main obligations under the Pay Equity Act. But not all employers have to follow the same deadlines.

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Federally regulated public sector employers and Parliamentary institutions

If you were a federally regulated employer when the Act came into force on August 31, 2021, these are your key dates and deadlines.

ActionAverage number of employees 10 to 99Table note 1Average number of employees 100 or moreTable note 1
Post Pay Equity Act noticeby November 1, 2021by November 1, 2021
Post final pay equity planby September 3, 2024by September 3, 2024
Complete first pay equity adjustmentsby September 4, 2024, or the day after the final pay equity plan is postedby September 4, 2024, or the day after the final pay equity plan is posted
Phase in increasesby September 4, 2029by September 1, 2027
Post revised pay equity planby September 4, 2029by September 4, 2029
Post first annual statementby June 30, 2025by June 30, 2025

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