Establishing a pay equity committee

Establishing a pay equity committee is one of the first steps in the pay equity process.

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Pay equity committee

Under the Act, medium or large employers (100 employees or more) and small employers (10–99 employees) with any unionized employees must establish a pay equity committee.

An employer with 10 to 99 non-unionized employees is not required to form a pay equity committee but may decide to do so on their own initiative or at the request of an employee. Should this be the case, they must notify the Pay Equity Commissioner that they are doing so.

Pay equity committee members are selected by the employer, the bargaining agent(s) and non-unionized employees. The committee must be composed of representatives from the employer and the employees covered by the pay equity plan.

A pay equity committee must have at least three members and meet the following requirements:

  • at least two thirds must represent the employees who are covered by the plan
  • at least 50% of the members must be women
  • at least one member selected by the employer to represent it
  • where there are unionized employees, at least one member selected by each of the bargaining agents
  • at least one member selected by non-unionized employees to represent them, if any

It should be noted that an external resource can also be part of the pay equity committee (e.g. the employer or the bargaining agent may appoint a specialized human resources consultant to represent them). If the employer has decided to form a pay equity committee voluntarily or has done so as required by the law, it is suggested that the committee members participate in the decision of whether to use a consultant.

Employers must give employees access to both workplace space, equipment and time to select their pay equity committee member(s).

The composition of the pay equity committee should be diverse both in terms of knowledge and representation.

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