Accessibility compliance

The Office of the Accessibility Commissioner is responsible for ensuring that organizations are fulfilling their obligations set out in the Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations.

Our approach to compliance

Our approach is focused on promoting compliance and encouraging organizations to take proactive steps to identify, remove and prevent barriers. We monitor compliance and, if necessary, take action to enforce it.

We take a graduated approach to enforcement and use different tools, depending on the severity of the non-compliance and the risks.

Our tools include:

  • inspections
  • production, compliance and inspection orders
  • notices of violation (with warnings or administrative monetary penalties)
  • compliance agreements to replace all or part of a penalty in exchange for compliance and investments in accessibility
  • corrective action plans


We carry out inspections to check if federally regulated organizations are meeting their obligations under the Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations. We take a risk-based approach to planning inspections, including how we decide:

  • which organizations to inspect
  • when to carry out inspections
  • what to focus on in our inspections

We may contact organizations before carrying out an inspection, depending on the scope of the inspection. Our inspections may be virtual, on-site, or a combination of both.

What you need to do

You must do everything that is reasonably necessary to enable us to carry out our inspections.

You must:

  • Give inspectors information, documents and electronic data they ask for.
  • Give inspectors access to your place of business.
  • Identify yourself if an inspector asks you to. The same applies to anyone else on your property.
  • Give inspectors the assistance they need.

What happens next

After an inspection, we will send you a letter with the inspection results. We may also organize a meeting to discuss the results.

If compliance issues are identified, we will:

  • Provide guidance and information to help you understand how to meet your obligations
  • Identify next steps:
    • You will be required to describe how you will address any compliance issues.
    • We will follow up with you to verify that you have taken appropriate action to comply with the Act and the Regulations.

Depending on the compliance issues identified and the possible negative impacts on people with disabilities, enforcement actions may be taken.

Our commitments

  • We will be professional and courteous when carrying out our inspection work.
  • We will be transparent about our inspection work.
  • We will do our best to answer your questions, explain our findings, and help you understand your obligations.
  • We will protect the privacy and confidentiality of your information.

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