Giving feedback

Complaints aren't the only way to improve accessibility. If you face a barrier when dealing with an organization, we encourage you to:

On this page

Send feedback

The Accessible Canada Act requires organizations to set up a way to receive and respond to feedback about accessibility. This is called a feedback process. You should use an organization's feedback process to tell them about the barriers you face. You can also send them feedback about how they are carrying out their accessibility plan.

You can find a description of an organization's feedback process on the main digital platform (website) that they use to communicate with the public. Organizations are required to publish the description of their feedback process on the platform's homepage or via a hyperlink that leads to the description.

Organizations that do not have a digital platform must print a copy of their feedback description, along with their accessibility plan, and display both in the reception area or entrance of the organization's places of business. The documents must be clearly visible and accessible to the public.

Participate in consultations

The Accessible Canada Act requires that organizations consult people with disabilities when they are preparing their accessibility plans and progress reports.

If you want to participate in an organization's consultations about their accessibility plan or progress report, you should contact them to let them know. This is a great way to tell organizations about the barriers you face and suggest ways to improve accessibility.

You can also use an organization's feedback process to participate in consultations about their accessibility plans and progress reports.

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