Our service commitment

If you are involved in a complaint with the Commission, either as a Complainant or a Respondent, this section outlines our commitment to you as you go through our process.

Our service standard is our commitment to a specific level of service you can expect under normal circumstances.

Our commitment to you

We are committed to being transparent and accountable. 

We are committed to providing you with quality service.

When you access our services, we will:

  • explain clearly how the complaints process works
  • tailor our approach to your needs
  • treat you with courtesy and respect
  • protect your personal information
  • respect our service standard

How you can help us serve you better

To help us serve you better, please:

  • always include the complaint file number and provide all requested information and details as soon as possible after we contact you
  • keep a copy of all information related to your complaint, including relevant emails, letters, notices, policies, etc.
  • let us know of any changes to your situation, such as changes to your contact information
  • tell us if you need an accommodation
  • if you choose to have someone represent you, tell us their name and contact information
  • treat our staff with courtesy and respect

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